Cata.log App
A collaborative library for creatives – “Is there a Letterboxd for books?” was a major question that helped motivate this project. While there are plenty of apps that help users review and pass along books, none of them are tailored to the creative architype that seems to have built such an engaged community of film enthusiasts on Letterboxd. Photography and design books are often expensive. Cata.log is aimed to help students gain awareness of the books their peers have and share them.
Year: 2020
Year: 2020
Category: UI & Identity
Mentor(s): Sohee Kwon
Website Splash
Even though Cata.log was initiated with intention of designing solely the UI of a mobile app, the app's brand was imagined across various applications.
App Walkthrough
This video shows some of the features available to Cata.log users. Knowing the app’s content would feature design a wide variety of design styles, the app is minimal. There is also the opportunity for individuals and studios to create a profile.
App UI & Info Architecture
Despite it’s relatively simple functionality and navigation, a product map is was fundamental in keeping track of Cata.log’s many screens and the pathing that connects them. I designed and prototyped this app in Adobe XD.